29 September 2011


We departed from Provincetown at 1756 EST just as the sun was setting. Unlike the sunset which welcomed us to P-town our departure sunset was a subdued affair fighting to be seen through the clouds. We raised the mizzen with a double reef and unfurled a bit of the jib as we passed Long Point light. The forecast predicted S/SW 10-15 gusting to 20 with 2-3 ft seas. We raced along making between 5.5 and 7.3 knots toward the North entrance of the canal. The seas were uneven and straight on our beam making for a sloppy ride. We arrived at the canal entrance at 2230 and as planned raced through with the tide making between 6 & 8 knots at only 1000rpm. The forecast predicted that the seas would lie down as the night progressed so we dropped the hook off of Mass Maritime for a short snooze. By 0245 we were up and motor-sailing down Buzzards Bay. As we approached the Narraganset Bay shipping lanes a dense fog set in and the wind died but large rolling swells continued. At 1330 we entered the breakwater for Old Harbor, Block Island and after attempting to reach the harbor master picked up a vacant mooring. The harbor master's answering machine stated that it was off season and that they closed at 1300 daily. Ballantine enjoyed a leisurely walk ashore as the fog rolled back in.
Plan: Sleep. Then head to NJ in the morning ahead of TS Ophelia. (Photo was taken offshore South of Buzzards Bay in the early morning.)

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