29 August 2011
28 August 2011
SE 24 gusting to 37mph (20 gusting to 32knots)
Force 7: (31-38mph, 27-33kn) Sea heaps up. Some foam from breaking waves is blown into streaks along wind directiong. Moderate amounts of airborne spray.
East 19 gusting to 26 knots per NOAA
Being a nautically minded individual I think in knots - you know nautical miles per hour. For full disclosure one nautical mile = 1.15 statute miles - but more importantly 1 nautical mile is equal to 1 minute of latitude - which makes it a very handy tool when plotting on a chart. So - my rant - why does NOAA list wind speed in mph and km/h ? why not knots? Many (most? all?) of the people listening to NOAA weather broadcasts are on the seas - and so thinking in knots... but instead start saying to themselves...well this wind speed looks like Force 5 - let me convert Beaufort to mph to see if my estimate agrees with NOAA... wouldn't everyone just be happier thinking in knots? So - the wind speed in the title has been converted to knots - but I would propose that NOAA was under-estimating the wind speed as witnessed in this video.
27 August 2011
26 August 2011
Test for Irene mobile coverage
Hurricane Irene is rapidly descending upon us wary souls in Midcoast Maine. We are beginning preparation and preparedness actions. To this end I am setting up a mobile link so I can send frequent updates from aboard Kairos during the storm. This is a test run.
We postponed stepping the mast... again... And after much research (into depth and bottom type) will be riding out Irene tied to a floating dock in the St. George River, Thomaston, Maine. Stay tuned!
We postponed stepping the mast... again... And after much research (into depth and bottom type) will be riding out Irene tied to a floating dock in the St. George River, Thomaston, Maine. Stay tuned!
18 August 2011
Bottom Paint
06 August 2011
The proposed launch date is 13 days away. What must be done before she hits the water. What else must be ordered?
The bootstripe has been painted. The lifelines are almost complete. The new chainplate installation will be finished once SS shapes the toe rail around them. In the foreground of the photo you can see the new laminated and shaped mizzen boom.
The plan this week - sand, varnish, repeat.
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